Solar Bibles Production

Solar Bible Documentation

For the use of the Solar Bible, a demonstration of the explanation (based on the "refugees 1.0" config) is available online at . Subtitles available in French and English. Do not hesitate to send the link to your correspondents.

Solar Bible Content Change

  1. Turn off the Solar Bible (click)
  2. Lift the small rubber cover at the top left to access the micro USB port.
  3. Connect the Solar Bible to a computer (Mac, PC, Linux) via a micro USB cable
  4. Advanced users: you can even change the content from an ANDROID phone via an OTG adapter OTG adapter for phone
  5. Check that the blue charging light comes on
  6. type the code: you have to press the 4 buttons on the right side from top to bottom then go back again (press again the last but one): 12343
  7. The disc is recognized by the computer (on PC: we hear the characteristic sound of "new device" detected)
  8. We can change the content of the Solar Bible via the file explorer (Win-E), 7.64 GB disk
  9. To delete folders, avoid using the recycle bin by using "shift-del." after selecting the folder (s) to delete (or ). If you want to delete everything, format the disk in quick format (leave FAT32 and check the 7.64 GB capacity to avoid formatting the wrong disk!) rmdir /Q /S dir
  10. We must name the disc corresponding to the solar Bible
  11. Add the desired content: it is essential to respect the principle of the two-level tree, otherwise the navigation is disrupted (grouping folder and subfolder containing the programs). For example one can have a New Testament (already on two levels) and another folder in which one copies all the other sub-folders.
  12. A bug sometimes causes the last added folder to be ignored: so before disconnecting the player, you must add an empty folder (right-click / new folder). If necessary, delete it and create it again.
  13. The copy is slow but you can load content on several solar bibles simultaneously (limit = number of USB ports).
  14. Paste a small label on the back of the drive with the name of the configuration.
  15. unplug and turn on the player.
  16. After changing the content the start is slow, you can accelerate by pressing with a pin the button "RESET" which is next to the micro USB connector