GRN Russie: liste des mp3

[aii] A80332: Aramaic John GRN A63226: sermon & music GRN A03051: message GRN
[hyw] A23391: Armenian, Western survol Bible GRN A03931: message (Literary) GRN
[azj] A80643: Azerbaijani, North survol Bible GRN A80644: Série sur la Bible, LLL6 GRN A80645: Série sur la Bible, LLL7 GRN A80646: Série sur la Bible, LLL8 GRN
[rml] A65379: Baltic Romani survol Bible GRN A65530: survol Bible (No pictures) GRN A65698: Romani Christian musique et chants GRN A65699: Romani Christian musique et chants 2 GRN
[bel] A80204: Bielorussian Mark GRN A62431: Portions de Luke's Gospel GRN A80043: message 1 GRN A51060: message 1 GRN A51090: message 2 GRN C80044: message 2 GRN C80203: message for Children GRN
[bul] A28181: Bulgarian survol Bible^ GRN A03940: message GRN
[crh] A08131: Tatar: Afghanistan message GRN
[pdt] A65429: Low German God Loves You GRN A65430: The Lamb de God GRN A65443: The Lamb de God (Women) GRN A17661: message GRN
[cmn] A02591: Mandarin Becoming a Friend de God GRN A80890: survol Bible GRN A14201: survol Bible GRN A64259: survol Bible - Female GRN A62908: survol Bible^ for university students GRN A80921: Série sur la Bible, LLL1 GRN A80922: Série sur la Bible, LLL2 GRN A80901: Série sur la Bible, LLL3 GRN A80892: Série sur la Bible, LLL4 GRN A80893: Série sur la Bible, LLL5 GRN A80923: Série sur la Bible, LLL6 GRN A80924: Série sur la Bible, LLL7 GRN A80925: Série sur la Bible, LLL8 GRN A30090: Portrait de Jesus (Modern) GRN A30091: Portrait de Jesus (Union) GRN A62646: L'évangile raconté GRN A29260: message 1 GRN A29261: message 2 GRN
[evn] A65576: Evenki survol Bible GRN A65577: Meeting The Creator God GRN A25750: message 1 GRN A25751: message 2 GRN A37766: message 3 GRN
[est] A05720: Estonian message 1 GRN A74521: message 2 GRN
[fin] A10120: Finnish message GRN
[deu] A80450: German survol Bible GRN A30030: Portrait de Jesus GRN A37948: The Purpose de Life GRN C74700: Victorious Life in Christ GRN A03810: message GRN
[ell] A74742: Greek Alive Testimonies GRN A74744: As In The Days de Noah GRN C74743: survol Bible GRN A30730: Portrait de Jesus GRN A37360: Portrait de Jesus GRN A03790: message 1 GRN A18980: message 2 GRN C74741: message for Children GRN
[hun] C40004: Hungarian Discontinued Recording GRN A64065: God's Love for You GRN A27911: survol Bible^ GRN A63930: How Jesus Turned My Life Around GRN C34480: Portrait de Jesus GRN A03840: message 1 GRN A18370: message 2 GRN A25321: message 3 GRN A18831: message for Children GRN
[pes] A63695: Farsi survol Bible^ GRN A23131: survol Bible (for women) GRN A75061: Has the Bible Been Changed? GRN A75064: How can we know God? GRN C75056: Love & Forgiveness GRN A75058: Meditational musique et chants by Haik w/ wstrn hymn GRN A66254: Portions de Lukes Gospel GRN A30020: Portrait de Jesus GRN A75062: Radio Voice de Christ GRN B80950: musique et chants 2 - Treasure de Jesus GRN A75063: musique et chants de Haik Housepian GRN A80949: musique et chants - Treasure de Jesus GRN A03220: message 1 GRN A20331: message 2 GRN A03550: message 3 GRN
[kaz] C40000: Kazak Discontinued Recording GRN A35770: How to Know God GRN A23780: How To Know God GRN C23781: Kazakh Set: Part 2 GRN
[rus] A19830: Russian: Central Asia How to Know God GRN A32580: How To Know God GRN
[kor] C37774: Korean 9-11 GRN A80440: survol Bible GRN A64255: survol Bible GRN A66779: Korean Christmas Carols GRN A66780: Korean Hymns GRN A30150: Portrait de Jesus GRN A25221: Three Kings GRN A02690: message 1 GRN C25220: message 2 GRN
[lvs] B30980: Latvian Portrait de Jesus GRN A03890: message GRN
[lit] A65089: Lithuanian survol Bible GRN A65522: Série sur la Bible, LLL2 GRN C05721: message 1 GRN A18890: message 2 GRN
[xal] A22370: Kalmyk message GRN C15561: Mongolian: Elute message GRN
[pol] A37955: Polish Evangelization GRN A28451: survol Bible^ GRN A34040: Portrait de Jesus GRN A03970: message 1 GRN A03971: message 2 GRN A10400: message 3 GRN
[ron] C40003: Romanian Discontinued Recording GRN C23001: survol Bible GRN A80208: survol Bible GRN A80209: Série sur la Bible, LLL1 GRN C74450: Série sur la Bible, LLL1 GRN A80210: Série sur la Bible, LLL2 GRN A80211: Série sur la Bible, LLL3 GRN A80212: Série sur la Bible, LLL4 GRN A80213: Série sur la Bible, LLL5 GRN A80214: Série sur la Bible, LLL6 GRN A80215: Série sur la Bible, LLL7 GRN A80216: Série sur la Bible, LLL8 GRN A34030: Portrait de Jesus GRN C75194: Radio Message GRN A75195: musique et chants - Romanian TW Radio Choir GRN A62854: Testimony GRN A23830: message 1 GRN A23831: message 2 GRN
[rmy] A03911: Romani, Vlach: Kalderash message 1 GRN A18990: message 2 GRN A80225: message 3 GRN
[krc] A23811: Balkarian The Sacrifice GRN
[oss] A26290: Ossetian survol Bible GRN
[rus] A65633: Russian God Has A Plan For You GRN A22741: survol Bible GRN A74712: Hymns GRN A80100: Série sur la Bible, LLL1 GRN A80101: Série sur la Bible, LLL2 GRN A80102: Série sur la Bible, LLL3 GRN A80104: Série sur la Bible, LLL4 GRN A80105: Série sur la Bible, LLL5 GRN A80103: Série sur la Bible, LLL6 GRN A80106: Série sur la Bible, LLL7 GRN A80107: Série sur la Bible, LLL8 GRN A63928: Miracles in Russia GRN A31340: Portrait de Jesus GRN A28470: Testimony GRN A37956: The Biblical View GRN A64791: L'évangile raconté GRN A21091: message GRN A64276: Russian: Siberia survol Bible GRN A37771: Shaman's Story (Buryatia) GRN A37770: The Way de Salvation GRN
[ady] A18820: Adyghe message GRN
[alt] A64275: Altai, Southern survol Bible GRN
[bxr] A34151: Buriat: Bohaan Testimonies GRN A37767: Buriat: Eastern survol Bible GRN C24770: survol Bible GRN A37932: Luke Selections GRN C78144: Luke (Selections) GRN A37768: The Way de Salvation GRN
[che] A35530: Chechen Histoire de Jésus GRN
[ava] C28680: Avarian The Sacrifice GRN
[kap] A78141: Bezhta Luke GRN
[huz] A65901: Hunzib The Prophets' Story GRN
[kum] C26210: Kumyk The Sacrifice GRN
[lez] A33500: Lezgi The Sacrifice GRN C27551: message GRN
[tab] A28681: Tabassaran How to Know God GRN A37100: Histoire de Jésus GRN A78147: Luke GRN
[koi] A62443: Komi-Permyak survol Bible GRN A62444: message GRN
[kbd] C11681: Kabardinian The Sacrifice GRN
[ckt] A24781: Chukchi message GRN
[eve] A24521: Even survol Bible GRN A24960: message GRN
[sah] A63778: Sakha survol Bible GRN C24771: survol Bible GRN A63779: The Way to Salvation GRN A23820: message 1 GRN A23821: message 2 GRN
[ykg] A24780: Yukaghir, Northern message GRN
[tat] A37765: Tatar survol Bible GRN C02451: Precious Sacrifice and Eternal Life GRN
[tyv] A37763: Tuvin survol Bible GRN A37764: The Way to Salvation GRN
[tgk] A33740: Tajiki message 1 GRN A33741: message 2 GRN
[sgh] A33730: Shughni: Rushani Luke, Portions GRN
[kmr] C33891: Kurdi, Kurmanji Sermon GRN A63225: sermon & music GRN
[ukr] A65107: Ukrainian God Loves You GRN A27920: survol Bible^ GRN A78100: Série sur la Bible, LLL7 GRN A65108: L'évangile raconté GRN A05431: message GRN
[ale] A10391: Aleut: Eastern message GRN
[ess] A10341: Eskimo, St Lawrence Is. message GRN
[rmt] A37525: Domari: Luli survol Bible GRN
[uzn] A24701: Uzbek, Northern survol Bible GRN A38239: survol Bible (Female) GRN A38238: survol Bible (Male) GRN A80634: Série sur la Bible, LLL1 GRN A80635: Série sur la Bible, LLL2 GRN A80636: Série sur la Bible, LLL3 GRN A80637: Série sur la Bible, LLL4 GRN A80638: Série sur la Bible, LLL5 GRN A80639: Série sur la Bible, LLL6 GRN A80640: Série sur la Bible, LLL7 GRN

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