Les jonctions et liens symboliques

Une liste de toutes les jonctions et liens présents sur un disque peut s'obtenir par la commande "dir /aL /s C:\" (requiert le mode administrateur)

Symbolic Links

La fenetre "invite de commande" doit être lancée en mode administrateur (clic doit sur l'icône). Note: while linkName path is to be relative to 'Current Directory' path, if target is relative : it is relative to the linkName's path and not to the 'Current Directory' path.

Symbolic links can point to non-existent targets because the operating system does not check to see if the target exists.

ln --symbolic SourceDirectory SymbolicLinkToSourceDirectory

Here is the procedure I use to create symlinks: launch a "cmd" console in admin mode (right click) Win7 support a native command to create symlinks, the syntax is: mklink /D Link Target Note: while linkName path is to be relative to 'Current Directory' path, if target is relative : it is relative to the linkName's path and not to the 'Current Directory' path. eg: mklink /D mp3-128\ACHUAR_GN_C63635 "..\Audio-CD_MP3s\A63\A63635" Symbolic links can point to non-existent targets because the operating system does not check to see if the target exists. Symlinks are better managed with the freeware HardLinkShellExt_win32.exe To have them work on WinXP you have to be sure that the winXP system is up to date with SP2 (or with vcredist_x86.exe) and then install the right driver (see attachement). To hardlink files, for example mp4 slideshows, here is the syntax (that also works natively on winXP) fsutil hardlink create mp4\ACHUAR_GN_C63635.mp4 "audio\S63635\mp4\S63635.mp4"

mklink /D Link Target
/J pour junction

junction.exe marche pour WinXP (le copier dans c:\windows) mais necessite que la lettre de lecteur ne change pas. De plus si on supprime une jonction les fichiers du dossier original disparaissent avec quand on vide la corbeille!


Seulement pour les fichiers:
win XP
fsutil hardlink create c:\foo.txt c:\bar.txt
mklink /H Link Target
mklink /D F:\document\cd_av\internet\audiovie\audiolibrary ..\..\..\..\copy_masters